API Reference


An account is a person or business for whom projects are completed for.


idIntegerThe unique id of the Account.
tenant_idIntegerThe id of the Tenant the Account belongs to.
rep_idIntegerThe id of the User that is assigned as the Account rep.
created_byIntegerThe id of the User who created the account.
typeIntegerThe Account type. 0: Person, 1: Business
nameStringThe Account's name.
address_streetStringThe Account's street address.
address_cityStringThe city for the Account's address.
address_stateStringThe state for the Account's address.
address_zipStringThe post code for the Account's address.
address_latitudeFloatThe latitude for the Account's address.
address_longitudeFloatThe longitude for the Account's address.
shipping_address_streetStringThe Account's shipping street address.
shipping_address_cityStringThe city for the Account's shipping address.
shipping_address_stateStringThe state for the Account's shipping address.
shipping_address_zipStringThe zip for the Account's shipping address.
notesStringOptional notes or a description for the Account.
is_portal_enabledBooleanDetermines if the customer portal is enabled for the Account.
created_atDateTimeThe date time of when the Account was created.
updated_atDateTimeThe date time of when the Account was last updated.

Allowed includes

repUserThe User that is assigned as the primary Account rep.
tenantTenantThe Tenant the Account belongs to.
creatorUserThe User who created the Account.

Allowed filters

idIntegerFilter Accounts by their id.
rep_idIntegerFilter Accounts by their rep.
created_byIntegerFilter Accounts by the id of the User who created them.
typeIntegerFilter Accounts by their type. 0: Person, 1: Business
nameStringFilter Accounts by their name.
searchStringFilter Accounts by a specific search term.

Allowed sorts

typeSort Accounts by their type. 0: Person, 1: Business
nameSort Accounts by their name.
primary_first_nameSort Accounts by their primary Contact's first name.
primary_last_nameSort Accounts by their primary Contact's last name.
address_streetSort Accounts by their street address.
address_citySort Accounts by their city address.
address_stateSort Accounts by their state address.
address_zipSort Accounts by their zip address.
shipping_address_streetSort Accounts by their shipping street address.
shipping_address_citySort Accounts by their shipping city address.
shipping_address_stateSort Accounts by their shipping state address.
shipping_address_zipSort Accounts by their shipping zip address.
created_atSort Accounts by when they where created.
updated_atSort Accounts by when they where last updated.