A project represents a scope of work, lead or a job.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | Integer | The unique id of the Project. |
tenant_id | Integer | The id of the Tenant the Project belongs to. |
company_id | Integer | The id of the Company the Project belongs to. |
account_id | Integer | The id of the Account the Project belongs to. |
status_id | Integer | The id of the ProjectStatus the Project belongs to. |
lead_id | Integer | The id of the Lead the Project belongs to. |
storm_id | Integer | The id of the Storm the Project belongs to. |
group_id | Integer | The id of the ProjectGroup the Project belongs to. |
workflow_id | Integer | The id of the Workflow the Project belongs to. |
site_type_id | Integer | The id of the SiteType the Project belongs to. |
cancellation_id | Integer | The id of the ProjectCancellation the Project belongs to. |
rep_primary_id | Integer | The id of the User that is assigned as the Project's primary rep. |
referred_by | Integer | The id of the Contact that referred the Project. |
number | String | The Project's number. |
name | String | The Project's name. |
address_street | String | The street of the Project's address. |
address_city | String | The city of the Project's address. |
address_state | String | The state abbreviation of the Project's address. |
address_zip | String | The post code of the Project's address. |
address_description | String | A brief description for the Project's address. |
address_latitude | Float | The latitude of the Project's address. |
address_longitude | Float | The longitude of the Project's address. |
needs_appointment | Boolean | Determines if the Project needs an appointment. |
rep_primary_name | String | The full name of the Project's primary rep. |
percent_completed | Float | A percent value that defines how close the Project is to being complete. |
amount_estimated | Float | A monetary value that defines the value of the Project. |
percent_sale_close | Float | A percent value that defines the probability of closing the sale of the Project. |
sale_closed_at | DateTime | A date time of when the sale for the Project was closed. |
referred_at | DateTime | A date time of when Project was referred. |
created_at | DateTime | A date time of when Project was created. |
updated_at | DateTime | A date time of when Project was last updated. |
deleted_at | DateTime | A date time of when Project was deleted. |
Allowed includes
Relation | Type | Description |
lead | Lead | The Lead the Project belongs to. |
event | Event | The Event the Project belongs to. |
storm | Storm | The Storm the Project belongs to. |
group | ProjectGroup | The ProjectGroup the Project belongs to. |
tenant | Tenant | The Tenant the Project belongs to. |
status | ProjectStatus | The ProjectStatus the Project belongs to. |
company | Company | The Company the Project belongs to. |
account | Account | The Account the Project belongs to. |
workflow | Workflow | The Workflow the Project belongs to. |
cancellation | ProjectCancellation | The ProjectCancellation the Project belongs to. |
referrer | Contact | The Contact that referred the Project. |
site_type | SiteType | The SiteType the Project belongs to. |
rep_primary | User | The User that is the primary rep on the Project. |
cover_photo | ProjectFile | The ProjectFile that is set as the Project's cover photo. |
Allowed filters
Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Filter Projects by their id. |
company_id | Integer | Filter Projects to a specific Company. |
account_id | Integer | Filter Projects to a specific Account. |
status_id | Integer | Filter Projects to a specific ProjectStatus. |
site_type_id | Integer | Filter Projects to a specific SiteType. |
storm_id | Integer | Filter Projects to a specific Storm. |
group_id | Integer | Filter Projects to a specific ProjectGroup. |
workflow_id | Integer | Filter Projects to a specific WorkFlow. |
event_id | Integer | Filter Projects to a specific Event. |
lead_id | Integer | Filter Projects to a specific Lead. |
name | String | Filter Projects by their name. |
nearby | Array|String | Filter Projects to a specific geolocation and radius (lat,long,radius). |
deleted | Boolean | Filter Projects that have or have not been deleted. |
search | String | Filter Projects to a specific search term. |
Allowed sorts
Name | Description |
number | Sort Projects by their number. |
name | Sort Projects by their name. |
address_street | Sort Projects by their street address. |
address_city | Sort Projects by their city street address. |
address_state | Sort Projects by their state street address. |
percent_completed | Sort Projects by how much they have been completed. |
created_at | Sort Projects by when they where created at. |
rep_primary_name | Sort Projects by their primary rep's full name. |
customer_project_name | Sort Projects by their Account's full name. |