
A project represents a scope of work, lead or a job.


idIntegerThe unique id of the Project.
tenant_idIntegerThe id of the Tenant the Project belongs to.
company_idIntegerThe id of the Company the Project belongs to.
account_idIntegerThe id of the Account the Project belongs to.
status_idIntegerThe id of the ProjectStatus the Project belongs to.
lead_idIntegerThe id of the Lead the Project belongs to.
storm_idIntegerThe id of the Storm the Project belongs to.
group_idIntegerThe id of the ProjectGroup the Project belongs to.
workflow_idIntegerThe id of the Workflow the Project belongs to.
site_type_idIntegerThe id of the SiteType the Project belongs to.
cancellation_idIntegerThe id of the ProjectCancellation the Project belongs to.
rep_primary_idIntegerThe id of the User that is assigned as the Project's primary rep.
referred_byIntegerThe id of the Contact that referred the Project.
numberStringThe Project's number.
nameStringThe Project's name.
address_streetStringThe street of the Project's address.
address_cityStringThe city of the Project's address.
address_stateStringThe state abbreviation of the Project's address.
address_zipStringThe post code of the Project's address.
address_descriptionStringA brief description for the Project's address.
address_latitudeFloatThe latitude of the Project's address.
address_longitudeFloatThe longitude of the Project's address.
needs_appointmentBooleanDetermines if the Project needs an appointment.
rep_primary_nameStringThe full name of the Project's primary rep.
percent_completedFloatA percent value that defines how close the Project is to being complete.
amount_estimatedFloatA monetary value that defines the value of the Project.
percent_sale_closeFloatA percent value that defines the probability of closing the sale of the Project.
sale_closed_atDateTimeA date time of when the sale for the Project was closed.
referred_atDateTimeA date time of when Project was referred.
created_atDateTimeA date time of when Project was created.
updated_atDateTimeA date time of when Project was last updated.
deleted_atDateTimeA date time of when Project was deleted.

Allowed includes

leadLeadThe Lead the Project belongs to.
eventEventThe Event the Project belongs to.
stormStormThe Storm the Project belongs to.
groupProjectGroupThe ProjectGroup the Project belongs to.
tenantTenantThe Tenant the Project belongs to.
statusProjectStatusThe ProjectStatus the Project belongs to.
companyCompanyThe Company the Project belongs to.
accountAccountThe Account the Project belongs to.
workflowWorkflowThe Workflow the Project belongs to.
cancellationProjectCancellationThe ProjectCancellation the Project belongs to.
referrerContactThe Contact that referred the Project.
site_typeSiteTypeThe SiteType the Project belongs to.
rep_primaryUserThe User that is the primary rep on the Project.
cover_photoProjectFileThe ProjectFile that is set as the Project's cover photo.

Allowed filters

idIntegerFilter Projects by their id.
company_idIntegerFilter Projects to a specific Company.
account_idIntegerFilter Projects to a specific Account.
status_idIntegerFilter Projects to a specific ProjectStatus.
site_type_idIntegerFilter Projects to a specific SiteType.
storm_idIntegerFilter Projects to a specific Storm.
group_idIntegerFilter Projects to a specific ProjectGroup.
workflow_idIntegerFilter Projects to a specific WorkFlow.
event_idIntegerFilter Projects to a specific Event.
lead_idIntegerFilter Projects to a specific Lead.
nameStringFilter Projects by their name.
nearbyArray|StringFilter Projects to a specific geolocation and radius (lat,long,radius).
deletedBooleanFilter Projects that have or have not been deleted.
searchStringFilter Projects to a specific search term.

Allowed sorts

numberSort Projects by their number.
nameSort Projects by their name.
address_streetSort Projects by their street address.
address_citySort Projects by their city street address.
address_stateSort Projects by their state street address.
percent_completedSort Projects by how much they have been completed.
created_atSort Projects by when they where created at.
rep_primary_nameSort Projects by their primary rep's full name.
customer_project_nameSort Projects by their Account's full name.