API Reference


A contact represents a person or business and serves as a reachable, real-world reference for projects, accounts and other resources.


idIntegerThe unique id of the Contact.
tenant_idIntegerThe id of the Tenant the Contact belongs to.
owned_byIntegerThe id of the User who "owns" the Contact.
nick_nameStringThe Contact nick name.
first_nameStringThe Contact first name.
last_nameStringThe Contact last name.
prefixStringThe Contact prefix for their professional name.
titleStringThe Contact job title.
departmentStringThe Contact job department.
emailStringThe Contact primary email.
email_altStringThe Contact alternative email.
phone_homeStringThe Contact home phone number.
phone_cellStringThe Contact cell phone number.
phone_faxStringThe Contact fax phone number.
phone_workStringThe Contact work phone number.
phone_work_extStringThe Contact work phone number extension.
address_streetStringThe Contact street address.
address_cityStringThe Contact city address.
address_stateStringThe Contact state address.
address_zipStringThe Contact post code address.
statusBooleanThe Contact status. (0: Inactive, 1: Active)
commentStringA note or description about the Contact.
created_atDateTimeThe date time of when the Contact was created.
updated_atDateTimeThe date time of when the Contact was last updated.
linked_contactLinkedContactRepresents the instance of where the Contact is linked to another resource. This attribute will automatically be included in certain endpoints / responses.

Allowed includes

tenantTenantThe Tenant the Contact belongs to.
ownerUserThe User who "owns" the Contact.

Allowed filters

idIntegerFilter Contacts by their id.
statusBooleanFilter Contacts by their status.
first_nameStringFilter Contacts by their first name.
last_nameStringFilter Contacts by their last name.
emailStringFilter Contacts by their email.
searchStringFilter Contacts by a specific search term.
has_emailBooleanFilter Contacts that have or don't have an email.
has_attributesArray | StringFilter Contacts that have values for the specified attributes.
missing_attributesArray | StringFilter Contacts that don't have values for the specified attributes.

Allowed sorts

first_nameSort Contacts by their first name.
last_nameSort Contacts by their last name.
emailSort Contacts by their email.
address_streetSort Contacts by their street address.
address_citySort Contacts by their city address.
address_stateSort Contacts by their state address.
address_zipSort Contacts by their zip address.
phone_homeSort Contacts by their home phone number.
phone_workSort Contacts by their work phone number.
phone_cellSort Contacts by their cell phone number.
statusSort Contacts by their status.
updated_atSort Contacts by when they where last updated.
created_atSort Contacts by when they where created.


šŸ“Œ Contact Linking: Contacts can be "linked" or associated with other resources. For example a Project or Account might have one or many Contacts linked to it.