Create webhook

Creates a new webhook.

🧙‍♂️Webhooks Overview

We recommend you take a look at the Webhooks documentation if you haven't already to get a better understanding of how things work.

📌 Endpoint

The endpoint field should be a fully qualified, secure URL to where you would like events broadcasted to. Consider using a webhook catcher service such as Request Catcher to test your initial webhook integration. This will also give you the chance to analyze the payload and structure of incoming Webhooks.

⚠️ Company Id

If you do not provide a value for the company_id field for your Webhook, this essentially means your Webhook operates and broadcasts events that occur anywhere and everywhere within your Tenant. On the otherhand, providing a value for the company_id field will broadcast events related to that Company. Events for Tenant level resources such as Contacts and Accounts will always be broadcast in both scenarios if you are subscribed to them.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!