
A user is a person or entity that uses the Contractors Cloud system.


idIntegerThe unique id of the user.
tenant_idIntegerThe id of the Tenant the user belongs to.
default_company_idIntegerThe id of the Company the user has set as their default.
user_level_idIntegerThe id of the UserLevel.
emailStringThe user's email.
usernameStringThe user's user name.
first_nameStringThe user's first name.
last_nameStringThe user's last name.
initialsStringThe user's initials.
titleStringThe user's title.
colorStringA hexadecimal color for the user.
timezoneStringThe user's timezone.
started_atDateA date that defines when the user started their employment.
terminated_atDateA date that defines when the user's employment was terminated.
is_activeBooleanDefines if the user's account is active.
phone_homeStringThe user's home phone number.
phone_cellStringThe user's cell phone number.
phone_directStringA direct phone number for the user.
phone_direct_extStringA direct phone number extension for the user.
address_streetStringThe user's street address.
address_cityStringThe city for the user's address.
address_stateStringThe state abbreviation for the user's address.
address_zipStringThe post code for the user's address.
avatar_thumbnail_urlStringA full URL to the user's avatar.

Allowed includes

tenantTenantThe Tenant the User belongs to.
user_levelUserLevelThe UserLevel that corresponds to the User.
default_companyCompanyThe User's default Company.

Allowed filters

idIntegerFilter users by their id.
emailStringFilter users by their email.
employedBooleanFilter users by their employment status.
in_companyArray|IntegerFilter users to those who belong to the given Company ids.
statusBooleanFilter users by their status (active / inactive).
searchStringFilter users by a specific search term.

Allowed sorts

first_nameSort users by their first name
last_nameSort users by their last name
emailSort users by their email
statusSort users by their account status