API Reference


A task is a piece of work to be done or undertaken by a User or Team.


idIntegerThe unique id of the Task.
tenant_idIntegerThe id of the Tenant the Task belongs to.
project_idIntegerThe id of the Project the Task belongs to.
created_byIntegerThe id of the User that created the task.
completed_byIntegerThe id of the User that completed the task.
assignee_typeEnum|StringThe type of resource the task is assigned to. "u" for User or "t" for Team.
assignee_idIntegerThe id of the User or Team the task is assigned to.
related_to_typeEnum|StringThe type of resource the task is related to.
related_to_idIntegerThe if of the resource the task is related to.
assignee_nameStringThe full name of the User or Team that the task is assigned to.
is_completeBooleanDetermines if the task has been completed.
is_high_priorityBooleanDetermines if the task is high priority.
subjectStringThe main subject or title of the task.
commentStringA brief description of the task.
created_by_nameStringThe full name of the user who created the task.
notifies_on_createBooleanDetermines if notifications go out when the task is created.
notifies_on_completeBooleanDetermines if notifications go out when the task is completed.
due_atDateTimeThe date time of when the task is due.
created_atDateTimeThe date time of when the task was created.
updated_atDateTimeThe date time of when the task was last updated.
completed_atDateTimeThe date time of when the task was completed.

Allowed includes

tenantTenantThe Tenant the Task belongs to.
projectProjectThe Project that Task belongs to.
accountAccountThe Account the Task belongs to.
creatorUserThe User that created the Task.
assigneeUser|TeamThe User or Team the task is assigned to.
completerUserThe User who completed the Task.

Allowed filters

idIntegerFilter Tasks by their id.
project_idIntegerFilter Tasks that belong to a specific Project(s).
created_byIntegerFilter Tasks that where created by a specific User(s).
completed_byIntegerFilter Tasks that where completed by a specific User(s).
is_completeBooleanFilter Tasks by whether they have been completed or not.
is_high_priorityBooleanFilter Tasks by their priority.
user_assignedBooleanFilter Tasks that are only assigned to Users.
team_assignedBooleanFilter Tasks that are only assigned to Teams.
assigned_to_userIntegerFilter Tasks that are directly assigned to a User with the specified id.
assigned_to_teamIntegerFilter Tasks that are directly assigned to a Team with the specified id.
assigned_to_user_with_teamsIntegerFilter Tasks that are assigned directly or indirectly (via a user's team) to a User with the specified id.

Allowed sorts

created_atSort Tasks by when they where created.
due_atSort Tasks by when they are due.
is_high_prioritySort Tasks by their priority.
is_completeSort Tasks by whether they have been completed or not.
completed_atSort Tasks by when they where completed.
updated_atSort Tasks by when they where last updated.