API Reference

Lead Connection

A lead connection represents a pre-configured endpoint that accepts Leads in a certain format.


idStringThe unique id of the LeadConnection.
tenant_idIntegerThe id of the Tenant the LeadConnection belongs to.
company_idIntegerThe id of the Company the LeadConnection belongs to.
event_idIntegerThe id of the default Event that will be assigned to incoming Leads using this LeadConnection.
lead_source_idIntegerThe id of the default LeadSource that will be assigned to incoming Leads using this LeadConnection.
workflow_idIntegerThe id of the default Workflow that will be assigned to incoming Leads using this LeadConnection.
rep_primary_idIntegerThe id of the default User that will be assigned as the primary rep to incoming Leads using this LeadConnection.
site_type_idIntegerThe id of the default SiteType that will be assigned to incoming Leads using this LeadConnection.
is_activeBooleanWhether the LeadConnection is active or not.
data_typeStringThe data type or format the LeadConnection expects incoming Leads to be formatted in (json, excel, text).
nameStringThe name of the LeadConnection.
descriptionStringA brief description of the LeadConnection.
last_lead_received_atDateTimeThe date time of when the LeadConnection last received a Lead.
created_atDateTimeThe date time of when the LeadConnection was created.
updated_atDateTimeThe date time of when the LeadConnection was last updated.

Allowed includes

companyCompanyThe Company the LeadConnection belongs to.
eventEventThe default Event that is assigned to Leads using this LeadConnection.
lead_sourceLeadSourceThe default LeadSource that is assigned to Leads using this LeadConnection.
workflowWorkflowThe default Workflow that is assigned to Leads using this LeadConnection.
rep_primaryUserThe default User that is assigned as the primary rep to Leads using this LeadConnection.
site_typeSiteTypeThe default SiteType that is assigned to Leads using this LeadConnection.

Allowed filters

idIntegerFilter LeadConnections by their id.
company_idIntegerFilter LeadConnections to a specific Company.
event_idIntegerFilter LeadConnections to a specific Event.
lead_source_idIntegerFilter LeadConnections to a specific LeadSource.
workflow_idIntegerFilter LeadConnections to a specific Workflow.
rep_primary_idIntegerFilter LeadConnections to a specific User.
site_type_idIntegerFilter LeadConnections to a specific SiteType.
is_activeBooleanFilter LeadConnections on whether they are active or not.
data_typeStringFilter LeadConnections to what data type they accept (json, excel, text).

Allowed sorts

nameSort LeadConnections by their name.
is_activeSort LeadConnections by whether they are active or not.
created_atSort LeadConnections by when they where created.
updated_atSort LeadConnections by when they where last updated.
last_lead_received_atSort LeadConnections by when they last received a Lead.